just another op

the blue Heroine

govenment thugs & jackboots

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever. ― George Orwell, 1984

Dear National Rifle Association President Bob Barr,

Any plans to apologise for jackboots?

Hugs, kisses, by any means necessary,

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Agent48465273 (73) opened xis's laptop and began reading. Today's report was on Target89055733150 (150). 150 was one of xis's first targets. Not particularly different than some. More typical than most. The report read

My Punjabi is native. My Urdu is a little rusty.

F__K!!! F__K!!! F__K!!!

That's him. Target73 is my father-in-law's best friend. O, s__t. I said that. Yesterday. At dinner. Now I know why my mother-in-law, Agent3032255 (55), has been weird about 150. Well, business is business, and if The Company wants my new dad's best friend dead, dead he'll be.

She unplugged her oGender attachment from The Company's +sugi laptop, and inserted the Gloch. The tazer function was lethal to 3000 metres, and began to lose efficacy at 500. Should be enough. If not, she'd use the bullets.

omg, that guy again? I remember him from The Womb room in Bombay.

Agent 55 has been fingering her Gloch for years. She's been trying to kill him like a

Agent 55 claims she keeps getting foiled.

opened the day of my 36th birthday (western hemisphere)

There was a mole in The Company, had been since the OSS days. Same mole, different face. They just didn't know who, until recently. The mole was Target150.

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witch clothes fit me fine, beatch

55 & 73 had been tasked with eliminating said mole. The President, a Lesbian OB proxy, had personally instructed 55 that she was relieved of that decision, and that 73 was to now make the call.

Target150 now claimed he'd be useful as Governor of Michigan. What a crock of New Hampshire cow urine. Agent73 knew 150 was a stupid whore. Like that mattered?

Her soon-to-b new mother had more baggage in the game. 150's usefulness was open to question, and now that 73 knew the decision would affect her relationship with 'mom', 73 might be in trouble. 73 could do what 55 wanted. 55 just lacked the ovaries. Anywho.

Said knot had not yet been tied. Cute as a button her prospective hubby was, good genes, tall, steady earner, raised by a mother who had told him how she put bread on the table since he had been old enough to masterbate, none of that mattered. 73 had her career to think of.

Admittedly, 73 would have to file a WtF (WebTeeForm) to request a memory wipe for 55.

the things a guy has to do 2 get a vagina as a pardner, pardner

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Dead Jews can't pay taxes. Jews who don't fear the central government, Russian, German or American, don't need protection.

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Were there thugs at Woodstock? No, they were at Kent State. If you don't know why, you don't wish to wake up.

I am the first.
You are the last.
Only takes 2.