
death by talking to me

Brandi keeps slapping up this issue in Duolingo. Here's my answer.

These crackers are not safe. In my experience, people of colour are much, much safer than crackers. White folks, particularly Americans, are challenged. Firstly, many of them are heavily medicated. If not on legal substances, illegal. Consequently, I have great difficulty 'feeling them'. I dramatically noticed this when I first returned from Japan in 2018, and was trying to provide consumers with customer service.

Secondly, Americans are not intelligent. Americans are easily the dumbest White people in the world. Moreover, White folks as a whole, on average and typically, are dumber than people of colour. Whoever becomes President of the Us, even if it's me, will still be leading 300 million retards.

Thirdly, Americans are violent. Because they are unable to 'use their words', they respond with violence. (Hence, I am thinking of just shoving my thumbs into eyesockets of the next idiot who thinks the President, former, present or future, is doing anything other than distracting you from oligarchs and big business screwing you.) You can't reason with them. Why try?

You think he didn't win the election? How would you know? Last life you were a cockroach, next life you will be something worse. You can't intelligently analyse, and you certainly didn't count the results.

I suspect that humans who were not previously humans like to speak. They are excited about being in a body with a voice box, and want to utilise their vocal chords as much as possible. Hence the verbal diarrhea, both intake and outflow.

In 1983, I was riding in the back of a pickup truck in Yangon. Last time I'd been there, I'd been in Rangoon. I climbed out, and followed the driver into the store. On the sidewalk were two little ones, probably a brother and a sister, maybe seven or eight years old. We briefly exchanged pleasantries, and I asked them if I could please take a photo. They agreed.

When I looked into the eyes of these children, I could see the wisdom of eternity. The tranquility of their humanity. The immediacy of being in the moment. They felt me. I felt them. They all do. Americans don't.

Imagine this scenario. Dark night in Africa, rain, flat tire on my bike in the middle of an economic wasteland. The worst villainous warlord, the most vile, abused human in Africa pulls up with a load of soldiers in the back of his truck with automatic weapons. I walk up to them with more confidence than I walk up to most Americans. I can trust them. They know me. I know them.

I don't know you. I don't wish to know you. I will lead you. If you shut up and follow.

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