The Land of No Contrition

How to Make Japan more Japanese.

So we’re a gonna build this road.

& also be Tiji of the Mitten & the Hand of God. Gracious. The former sounds difficult. Good thing I am gods so the latter shouldn’t be difficult for moi.

The former could be an opportunity to learn how future Governors of 都道府県 would legitimise the rule the People. An amazing opportunity for me to learn how future Governors of Japanese prefectures (都道府県) would say 'no' to the central government. A central government which sends a HUGE portion of the Japanese “defence” budget to America to feed the killing machine.

Where do I find these aspiring Japanese Governors? I’m gonna guess some of them are Japanese. Some in Japan. Some not. Either way, we recruit these Japanese speakers to fix Michigan. In my first term as Governor of Michigan, I would recruit as many Japanese and those who speak Japanese and aspire to becoming Japanese Governors as I could.

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those darn foreigners tend to be more republican than the Republicans
By Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0

Use the Japanese speakers to fill Michigan posts which are essential, or even a wii bit helpful, to making Michigan less Lancing centric.

If I’m living in Japan, doesn’t that make me a better Governor of Michigan?

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Get to work.