the law

adam's atom

Recently I was speaking with someone who suggested that the law has done enough for Black Americans. I agree. The law is useless. Always has been. The law is something the establishment holds up as something by which you must abide while the establishment screws you again and again. And you sit there. Doing nothing. Again.

Why did Africans, Black and Mixed, stand up for themselves
and americans maintain the worst Apartheid in the developed world?

There are only two races in the world. Black and Mixed. A Black person is a person whose each and every ancestor was Black African, not necessarily born in Africa, nonetheless African. Thorougly.

Like many of the homeless in America, I suspect Black Africans are more connected to Our humanity. We don't subscribe to the domesticated lifestyle. We believe in a forger lifestyle.

Race relations in America are arguably no better now than they were pre-1964 Civil Rights Act because government tried to fix the problem which, just as in South Africa, the government created. American's propaganda is better. Race relations are worse.

Nelson Mandela didn't invent his philosophy. He had parents who instilled in him values. He had ancestors with experience in the matters with which he was also confronted. My grandfather went to graduate school in 1911. My mother had a Masters. My father studied at Trinity College, Cambridge, England. My third great grandmother was a persistent, hard worker. My 10th great grandfather took a stand for someone he did not know, and had never met, because he knew that is what decent people do. He took that stand despite knowing his own situation would worsen. Truth is like that.

broken image

I was driving for Lyft in Colorado. A man and his partner got in the car. He had had a bit too much to drink. He started listing how he had gotten everything he had because he had worked hard for it, that he had acheived all he had done on his own. I asked him if his mother had not helped. He was not pleased.