The Legend of Steve The Dick

o hell for me, myself & I

Buddhism is about compassion. As Morris 石陽 Sullivan indicated, after all is said and done, Buddhism’s only commandment is

Be Kind.

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Randi, and Q, really like writing in Pages. Wii often write connected to the Internet. In our effort to create The 2I (TT1, the second Internet), when I write something ‘off grid’, as I am now at some distance above the Pacific, R&iQ can focus.

Recently, I was speaking with a master.

Don Henley's favourite Eagle's song, and mine.

He had experience writing copy for Mr. Jobs. Few, if any, would call Mr. Jobs compassionate. Those who would think of Mr. Jobs as compassionate probably received a considerable sum. More than He. Or a love injection. Or both.

Even if one has received a considerable sum from Mr. Jobs, if one is sufficiently self-aware, one ought to be able to better address Mr. Jobs’s truthful compassion issue better than I.

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If a Buddhist isn’t compassionate, one is, at best, a fashionista Buddhist. A sycophant sucking Jap titty for $s. A bit like Israel sucking JAP titty. If you think Israeli Orthodox Jews are the problem, how much of the JAP lobby’s money is coming from Orthodox Jews? If you think the Orthodox Jews politically or spiritually significantly alter the debate, you believe that money is not god. Randi thinks you are naive.

One of the challenges of being kind is being compassionate. Compassion is not giving a street begger money. Giving someone ‘something for nothing’ isn’t compassion. More importantly, giving someone something to assuage your guilt is the opposite of compassion.

I was living in a homeless shelter in DeLand. I was attending a Unitarian’s men’s group. I was lamenting the factoid that Our homeless shelter was helping none.

I suggested Our fellow shelter residents would soon be homeless again. Some White suburbanites are assuaging their White guilt at having killed so many Arabs, Gooks, whatever. If one gives someone enough of one’s ill gotten gains, will one’s poisonous Tree be placated? If you don’t know the answer to that question, best stop reading anything.

Why does everyone need to learn to read? Because the more governments teach people to read, the easier the populace is to brainwash. Orangutangs are more difficult to herd than sheep.

Humans have been homeless for almost all of their existence. Only in the last relatively nanosecond proportion of human existence have humans built houses, grown crap, built crap to buy. Almost all of human His Story is hunting and gathering, not printing and posting.

Giving someone money because they have put up with your crap for millennia, that’s not compassion. That’s paying the Bill.

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Were the Japanese giving Mr. Jobs money for nothing? No, they have a cute little Enterprise to show.

We miss you blood brother. We are grateful…and compassionate. One must choose between honesty and being nice, not kind.

Am I being compassionate when I let Apple steal my IP for decades? No. And if CEO Cock keeps sending me people to ask if I still want to kill him…figure it out yourselves. Again.

What is compassion? When is compassion? Was Mrs. Hitler kind when she didn’t abort Mr. Hitler? Was Mrs. Obama kind when she didn’t abort Mr. Obama?

Just build it.

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By Paolo Villa - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0