who you gonna call?

if I have to choose between being honest or cynical, I prefer to call it honest

That is one of the few songs I can sing at EmptyOrchestra.

tic toc. I don't mind you having a choice. I mind you not understanding the options.

Again, if you think I'm doing this for my own good, you've not been paying attention.

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CE 2023 Mar 20

This dogs been biting you for eternity. If granny tells you it don't bite, who you gonna believe?

just another WesternVillageRisingSun

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There are two options.

1. I legally become President of the United States.
2. You "elect" someone else.

If 1 or 2, there will be an "event".

If 1, I will be better able to anticipate, react and mitigate.

If 2, things will get worse before they get better.

Humans think they are in control. Humans aren't. They never have been. Nature, in the form of God, is In control.

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How do I know humanity will not continue to procrastinate for the next 60 years? Common sense suggests you will. Humanity's procrastination is punishing all living beings.

This is not blackmail. This is legal whitemail.

Whitemail bribes are used to influence a high-level elected official or politician to perform an illegal or uneconomic act. - Wikipedia

When a former or current President of the United States does something illegal, America legalises it. When I hold a mirror up to America's illegal activity, I'm called a terrroist, and not permitted to run for elected office. When will that end? Why not today?

The Democratic Party stood by and let the Republicans mess up the nomination. You will now blame me. Again.

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If humanity doesn't blame SMA, humanity will claim, again, that humans other than SMA are getting things 'ready'. The non-SMA human 'preparations' are moving pawns around a chessboard which, if SMA were permitted to move the pieces, humanity would see that non-SMA choices are either wrong or a waste of time.

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WE want what's best for all living beings, even if humanity can't recognise what is best. Humanity always thinks humans know best, i.e. lying, not fulfilling promises, rendering extinct other species, including all other Homo species, etc. Has the time come to eliminate Homo Sapiens?

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The judgement will be mine. Not yours.

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